As part of our effort to start working on the color concept for the entire short, Eduardo started out with the working the colors of the peacock first.
Bright colors and bright environment is what we are shoot for in this animation short, well except, the turkey’s part of the world. So with that in mind Eduardo, the art-director, for the Snake’s can fly short and now for PH2PC started out working on some color concepts for the peacock. Here are the first look at them. Chances are they will be some minor updates to these, but hopefully not too much.

Peacock with tail feathers all flared up!
We plan to have more pictures of the peacock as time progress. But for now we concentrate on the tail flair-up and tail non flairup on the peacock.

Peacock with no tail feather flare up. 😉
Finally a close up of the peacock’s face and tail plume.

Close up of peacock face and tail plume.
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