
A blogroll on our efforts to create an 8 min (OPEN MOVIE) animation short on the absolutely free Animux pipeline.

Hello World! …… The “Prince Harming to Prince Charming” project has been going for a while in the background along with the Animux development. We wish to write a brief article capturing the evolution of the project.

Majority of the concent for Prince Harming to Prince Charming came during Mark’s lunch break conversations with his colleagues at FoMo advising the single guys(who never took his advise :-). It always proved to be a great conversation starter but always ended up with his colleagues teasing him about the 7 step approach. The title did not come a good year after the concept start. Mark always knew it is the name that sells the idea and he needed something short and with Casanova or “prince charming” in the name. One day in June 2006 reading a news article with a title ‘harming’ in it, he came up with the name “From Prince Harming to Prince Charming (PH2PC).” Next day, his colleague Megan advised him to keep the name as it seemed an appropriate title.  Next came the struggle about the author’s name. He always wanted to have Casanova in the name, but what Casanova? 3 months went by with life and work with little thought went into PH2PC. One during a team lunch, he was sitting beside, his born-in-Russia colleague Yuriy. The conversation, as usual about PH2PC came up, and the colleagues liked the title, but stated that having “mark p” as author name would not sell a single book.  Mark stating that he wished to have Casanova as in the name, but has not figured out the first name. Then Yuriy interrupted his conversation, asking him to pass the ketchup. Another flash passed through his mind, that he could name him “Yubiy”(pronouced You Be) Casanova. That is how he came up with the title and authorname “From Prince Harming to Prince Charming” by “Yubiy Casanova”.

Even the title was complete and the steps loosely laid out, PH2PC still did not exists in print form. It was Mark’s opportunity to speak at iTalk Toastmaster’s club (For people unfamiliar with Toastmaster’s club, it is a club where you join to get eloquent public speakers) that brought about the discipline to type it up. The rough concept now began to take shape. It was refined (Thanks to the help of Stephanie Coleman of iTalk Toastmasters club & her husband Ray Coleman) to be concise and precise to fit into a 6-7 minute humorous speech. Mark participated with PH2PC at the FoMo toastmasters in March 2007.

Now the plan was to make this 7 minute speech into an 8 minute animation short with love triangle between a Turkey (ugliest bird), Peacock and Peahen. His Professional Development coach at FoMo Tuni, volunteered her son Robin to help Mark write the script in June 2008. Robin is a genius who could paint with words. He came on board to help with the script and screenplay. Miyi, Emily assisted with the scripting and the initial story boarding.

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