The peahen in nature is a boring looking bird when compared to the peacock w.r.t plummage. We plan to stick with the same, however, we wish to make her beautiful with the eyes and some accessories.
We were confident in Luis’s skill at designing female characters. His portfolio has very impressive work. It was one of his female character designs, that got us to beg him to join us on our project. And he hit a home-run on the peahen’s design.

Initial Design of the Peahen
We wished to portray her to be intelligent and independent to take on take on a male-dominated oppressive society on “empowering the girl child through education”. She does this without compromising on style or fashion. As our intention for the peahen from the onset was slated to be beautiful. This removes any hidden agenda such as seeking attention or personal glorification by taking on this noble cause. We wanted to make sure the audience gets the idea that she is doing it because she cares for her cause. It also explains why the Turkey would follow his eyes and heart putting up everything that he owns on ebay to set off to woe her.

Final Draft of the peahen
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